Addictive Behaviour - The Learning Approach GAMBLING. A concept related to the social learning theory explanation of smoking is self-efficacy, a person's belief in his or her ability to succeed in a particular situation. Can't explain all forms of gambling - it is difficult to apply the same principles to all different forms. Operant conditioning is the second learning principle. This type of learning occurs due to the cause-and-effect relationship between a behavior and its consequences. Operant conditioning has a common sense element. When we reward a behavior, it increases. When we punish a behavior, it decreases.
- The Learning Approach To Explaining Initiation Of Gambling Machine
- The Learning Approach To Explaining Initiation Of Gambling Meaning
- The Learning Approach To Explaining Initiation Of Gambling System
- The Learning Approach To Explaining Initiation Of Gambling Work
Introduction to Learning to Win
Slot machines are a casino’s biggest money-makers. They reportedly generate about 65% of an average casino’s profit.
Slot machine gamblers are becoming savvier, as they figure out how to win. They are taking on the challenge of winning during a time of change in the gaming industry.
Significantly new and innovative next-generation gaming technology is being introduced to casinos as operating systems. This is where Learning to Win: How to Make a Profit at Slot Machine Gambling arrives on the scene.
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Winning 90 Taxable Jackpots in 9 Months, then a Car
Jon Friedl became a successful slot machine gambler on next generation slot machines. He’s won 90 taxable jackpots within 9 months, then a luxury car, between November 2013 and August 2014.
Friedl will always remember the feeling of spinning a giant wheel. He watched the whisker click into gaps in the posts on the outer edge of the wheel. As the wheel slowed to a crawl, the whisker gently rode up onto the final post position. Or would it the final post?
The wheel slowly continued to move. Finally, the wheel came to a halt, with the whisker falling back into the car winning gap. Friedl had won a $65,000 car.
Learning to Win
The e-book Learning To Win provides slots players with real-life winning strategies and easy-to-use tools. It shows how to apply both to achieve individualized gambling goals successfully.
Most importantly, it shows how to avoid the most common financial pitfalls. Furthermore, carefully laid out are the expected financial results from casinos and their players’ clubs.

This 237-page e-book and softcover book also available on is about winning at slot machine gambling. Winning is subjective to the reader. Hence, concepts are designed to match a reader’s specific needs in terms of their gambling styles and goals.
Common goals are detailed to help the reader consciously match their approach to what is most essential for them:

- improved entertainment value
- an extended length of play
- greater profit
- a higher player club status
Higher status in player clubs allow gamblers to earn more expensive and varied complimentary gifts from casino operators, including
- going to the head of the line: every line, every time
- annual cruises
- promotional gifts: enough to fill a spare bedroom
- tickets to sporting events
- and whatever else you and your executive host can think of
Strategic approaches are described and applied to each gambling style.
So, the reader can win using their style. Or, progress to another style with which they have less personal experience. In either case, they can learn to achieve their most optimal performance for maximum gambling profits.
Assessing Casinos to Improve Gambling Performance
For example, Learning to Win explains how to go about accessing casino properties in terms of their performance. Easy-to-perform assessment techniques include both casino properties as well as slot machines.
The goal is to determine how well a specific casino operator has set up their property. In which of several ways have they actively provide slot machine gamblers with an opportunity to win? In other words, what’s the advantage play?
The reader should perform these simple assessments at all casinos near them. Doing so allows gamblers to determine the property which can them with the best chance to reach their financial and entertainment goals.
Winning on Older-Style Slot Machines
Friedl has won on older-style slot machines as well. These slots don’t, literally cannot use the latest innovative technologies. However, these types of slots are still available in many older casinos.
Friedl’s experience with them from early 2004 to late 2005, followed by a decade of thoughtful reflection. Here are a few of those jackpots:
In all, he won 13 taxable jackpots along with uncounted nontaxable jackpots each less than the taxable limit of $1,200. Friedl refined his winning strategies over a decade between these extraordinary slot machine gambling experiences.
Since 2014, Friedl has interviewed slot machine gamblers to understand their playing styles. Through this research, he learned what techniques helped or hindered their successes.
New Opportunities to Win
These next-generation gaming technologies, each a new opportunity for slot machine gamblers to win, include:
- centralized computing networks
- online gaming venues
- the use of mobile devices as gambling aids
The gaming industry first introduced these fundamental technological changes in 2013. They are steadily spreading throughout the U.S. Eventually, casinos operators will incorporate and build them into new casinos and as older casinos are renovated.
As a result, the relevancy and performance of Learning to Win is needed now by readers. Its ultimate usefulness can also only improve with time. In it, concepts are carefully explained clearly and in a highly readable manner.
The goal is to allow readers to make the most of these new next-generation gaming technologies.
Friedl’s extensive educational background that led him to write the analytical aspects of Learning to Win include an engineering doctorate for critical thinking and experimental method-based skills combined with refined pattern recognition abilities
These hard-won skills provide the reader with useful knowledge and analytical tools for strategic winning in the casino environment.
Friedl also has a master’s degree in engineering management. This degree allows for the exploration of the business-related aspects of how casinos operate.
For example, how are casinos using these new gaming technologies to improve the daily running of their business? How might a casino operator’s less-than-perfect application of those new technologies become a financial advantage to the reader?
Friedl’s extensive teaching experiences allow him to clearly explain relatively complex topics. So, a deep understanding of these topics is explained entirely using an easy-to-understand approach.
Finally, anecdotal gambling “stories” provide a relatable human-interest theme throughout the book. These stories are based on his relatively remarkable personal gambling experiences.
Functionally, they help balance book content alongside the deliberately low amount of mathematical analysis provided.
More About Professor Slots
Besides being an avid slots gambler, entrepreneur, blogger, podcaster, and author as Professor Slots, I’m also a father, adjunct professor, and full-time aerospace engineer.
While it’s not easy to summarize who a person is, for those interested, this is who I am.
Summary to Learning To Win
There is an emergence of next-generation gaming technologies in slot machines, the true money-maker for casinos. These changes provide an audience interested in gambling with new opportunities to win.
The Learning Approach To Explaining Initiation Of Gambling Machine
In Learning to Win, Friedl uses a decade of research, observations, experiences, and analysis with new and older-style slot machines.
Study of new casino operational technologies has resulted in gambling strategies and assessment techniques. In part, the intent is to match the most common gambling goals to these methods explained in an easy-to-understand manner useful to a broad potential audience.
The Learning Approach To Explaining Initiation Of Gambling Meaning
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The Learning Approach To Explaining Initiation Of Gambling Work
Have fun, be safe, and make good choices!
By Jon H. Friedl, Jr. Ph.D., President
Jon Friedl, LLC