The most accurate list of casinos in and Near Elgin, Illinois. Find addresses, read reviews and get the best offers! Elgin is located in the Illinois State, 35miles Northwest of Chicago. Its population is nearly 110,000. Discover the history of this city at the Elgin History Museum. Horseshoe Casino in Hammond is the closest to downtown, in good traffic I can make it in 20 minutes from downtown. There are shuttles but I've never used one, I'd try calling the casino and asking them, I'm sure they would be happy to help you get to the casino. The legendary Horseshoe Hammond Casino is Chicagoland's number one destination for 21 and over gambling, dining, and casino entertainment.
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All Chicago casinos are on riverboats. The riverboats do not cruise and they are either housed on barges, or on boats that remain dockside. Also, one of the casinos in Chicago (Rivers Casino) is built over a shallow pit filled with a few inches of water.
Locations of Chicago Area Casinos
There are nine Chicago casinos in total: five of them are located in Illinois and four are within a short driving distance in nearby Indiana.
There is no Chicago casino downtown. The Chicago casino near O'Hare airport is the Rivers and the closest casino to downtown Chicago is actually a tie between the Rivers and the Horseshoe which is in East Chicago, Indiana. Both are about 17 miles from downtown Chicago..
The casinos in Illinois are not open 24 hours, but the Chicago area casinos in Indiana are open on a round-the-clock basis..
All nine Chicago casinos are non-smoking and, unless otherwise noted, all offer: slots, video poker, blackjack, craps, roulette and three card poker. Some Illinois casinos also offer: let it ride, baccarat, mini-baccarat, poker, Ultimate Texas hold em, Caribbean stud poker, Mississippi stud, pai gow poker and four card poker.
The payback percentages on electronic gaming machines at all Illinois casinos are released as a matter of public record. Just click here to see a list of slot machine payback statistics for all Illinois casinos.
The payback percentages on electronic gaming machines at all Indiana casinos (riverboats and pari-mutuels) are released as a matter of public record. Just click here to see a list of slot machine payback statistics for all Indiana casinos.
If you want to order a drink while playing in one of the Chicago casinos, be aware that gaming regulations do not allow casinos in Illinois, nor Indiana, to provide free alcoholic beverages. The minimum gambling age is 21 for all Chicago casinos.
Also, you should be aware that If you win a jackpot of $1,200 or more at an Indiana casino, they will withhold 3.4% of your winnings for the Indiana Department of Revenue. You might, be able to get some of that money refunded by filing a state income tax return. The $1,200 threshold would also apply to any cash prizes won in casino drawings or tournaments.
For more information on visiting casinos in Chicago, you can contact the Illinois Bureau of Tourism at (312) 567-8500 or visit their website at
Shown below is a list of all casinos in Chicago. Click on a casino name to see a page of detailed information about that particular Chicago area casino.
Best Casinos In Chicago Area
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- Horseshoe Casino - Hammond
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